Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blast from the Past

This past weekend was a “blast from the past”. I went home to Waco for a high school friend’s wedding. I was a bit apprehensive about attending because I knew I was going to see many high school friends acquaintances. Luckily, I had Daniel with me to soften the blow.

Before the wedding, on Friday, I saw “Whip It” with Daniel and my bestie, Amanda! I just loved “Whip It”. It was fun and entertaining. I enjoyed all the Austin scenes, watching the cuteness of Ellen Page, and learning about the sport of roller derby. Kind of made me want to “put on a pair of skates and be my own hero”. Needless to say, it got me thinking about high school and how much I loathed it! I was a bit of an outsider, a lot like the main character Bliss in “Whip It”. Bliss lived in a small town with a small town mentality- a lot like the wonderful town of Valley Mills that I grew up in. So, it was very easy for me to relate to Bliss when she so badly wanted to get of her small town and do something that was more or less different than what everyone else was doing. So, that of course, made me even more nervous to attend the wedding on Saturday. I was afraid to see all of these people I haven’t seen in over 6 years, and I knew that since I had moved on and out of VM, that I would no longer share things in common with these people. Basically living in VM was all I shared with many of these people.

Well, the wedding was beautiful and emotional for me because of Lauren’s past. I almost cried on many different occasions. At the reception, which was so fun, I caught up with old acquaintances friends , and it was simply enjoyable and refreshing. I did not hold any animosity towards any of them. I just enjoyed seeing all of them and where they are in life now. Many of them still live in the Waco area and many of them act exactly the same way they did in high school (big surprise). Many of my girlfriends are now mothers and wives-it’s so weird! It was a blast from the past for me, though. It reminded me of what I am not missing. High school was a season of life, and it is a season that will thankfully not be relived. I will cherish those friendships made and rejoice in their accomplishments, but I am not ever going back to VM; it is not my home and it does not define me.

A picture from the past. One when I wasn't much of an "outsider"!
9th grade (I'm at the top)


Lindsee said...

I am so glad it ended up being fun for you! And girl, that picture? Hilarious.

Tanya said...

How ironic- you on top!! And look where you are today...right there on top, and soaring high!!